Hey, here's the begennings of a new project that I'm working on. These are pretty raw as is, I plan to fix um up and tone um when I have the time. It doesn't really have a name yet. Iv'e been calling it 4 1/2 feet of fog but it's not really sticking. maybe suggestions once this gets off the ground a little? Anyway, hit me with the feedbacks.
Fantasy Adventure Quest returns with a marathon of daily strips for 2 weeks plus a new schedule plan to be announced at the end of the marathon, stay tuned
So I haven't posted for a bit. This point has been emphasised by the fact that my good friends Sean and Andrew have been really good at keeping this thing up to date.
This was the first assignment for my character design class. It is what I might look like if I were animated.
sorry for the lateness! I have been really busy settling in here in Savannah, but never worry dear readership, for I have still been faithful to my drawing schedule, I just neglected to put time aside to visit the Jen Library to scan my comics. What's that? Oh yes, I'm back in Savannah, Hurray! If your in Savannah too you should email me I would love to hang out with my old scad friends.